Ilembula Lutheran Parish

Förderkreis Tanzaniahilfe
Evang. Kirchengemeinde
Gabrielkirche Ismaning - Rafael-Kirche Unterföhring
Gemeindepartnerschaft mit Kitandililo / Südtanzania

Geschichte Wünsche Startseite aktuelles Projekt Ismaning Kitandililo

Kurzbeschreibung der Partnerschaft

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Krankenhaus Ilembula
 Professional human resource development Institution, established under the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania – Southern Diocese, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health Tanzania It was started in 1963 for General Nursing and 1970 for Midwifery Courses. COURSES: THREE YEARS TRAINING FOR GENERAL NURSES. Awarding Certificate in Nursing. Academic year starts September and ends in August each year. The Main focus to the Courses is to provide quality and relevant Training for Nurses in Nursing and Primary Health Care. CORE SUBJECTS: Principles of Nursing.  Anatomy and Physiology. Medical and Surgical Nursing. Community Nursing.   Clinical Practice. ONE YEAR TRAINING FOR MIDWIVES: Awarding Certificate in Midwifery. AIM: One of the Strategies adopted by INMTS to strengthen the health care system is the training of Midwives who will provide basic Midwifery care to Pregnant woman, children, Clients. CORE SUBJECTS:  Midwifery. Child Health. Clinical Practice.  DIPLOMA IN NURSING PROGRAME: Four year training for Diploma in Nursing education – Awarding a Diploma in Nursing. AIM: The Main aim of the Diploma in Nursing is to strengthen the health care system by training Nurses in a HIGHER level to enable graduates to provide basic Nursing care to patients / Clients in any Settings. CORE SUBJECTS:  Principles of Nursing. Human Biology.  Medical and Surgical Nursing. Community Nursing. Midwifery and Child Health. Psychiatry.  Research. Administration and Management. Clinical Practice. The Course is open to both female and males, who have had no such training. Sr. A. Lupembe is the Principal. Please excuse for long letter. My aim was to explain to you these two institutions which are in our Parish. May God Bless us all. Yours Pfr. M. Ngilangwa ILEMBULA

Das große kirchliche Krankenhaus von Ilembula versorgte im Jahr 2004 insgesamt 46 224 Patienten (stationär und ambulant). 

Wir danken Frau Rückert vom Eine-Welt-Arbeitskreis der Jesuskirche Haar bei München, dass sie uns den Brief von Herrn Pfarrer M. Ngilangwa, Ilembula Lutheran Parish, überlassen hat.

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Bericht über die Arbeit mit den AIDS - Waisen im Raum Ilembula aus dem Jahr 2005.
Ebenfalls überlassen von Familie Rückert aus Haar.

Hier kommen Sie zu dem Bericht.

Wir bitten um Sachspenden

Ihre Kraft wird benötigt Erbitten fachliche Unterstützung Erhaltene Hilfe
Spendenkonto der Evang. Kirchengemeinde: Verwendungszweck Kitandililo   
VR-Bank Ismaning   IBAN: DE02 7009 3400 0000 4039 20
Bitte wenden Sie sich an das Evang. Luth. Pfarramt Gabrielkirche Ismaning - Rafaelkirche Unterföhring                              EMail des Pfarramts
Pfarrer Carsten Klingenberg
Pfarrer Julian Hensold

Dr. Schmitt Str. 10 85737 Ismaning Tel.: 
089 - 96 65 66
089 - 96 202 567  
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